AdminHistory | In 1948 the Bethnal Green Borough Council invited certain voluntary organisations in the Borough to co-operate in the formation of a separate voluntary organisation to be known as the Bethnal Green Old People's Welfare Committee. It first met in October 1948.
The activities of the Committee included the organisation of old people's clubs (there were ten by the 1960s), the establishment of a Day Centre (at St. Margaret's House), the provision of meals through lunch clubs and meals-on-wheels service, the provision of holidays for the elderly, health visiting and chiropody services.
In 1965 the new Tower Hamlets Borough Council took over much of the work of the Committee through its Old People's Welfare Sub-Committee. There were attempts to form a Tower Hamlets Old People's Welfare Association through merging with the Stepney and Poplar Old People's Welfare Committees but this was not realised.
In 1970 the Committee was wound up and its funds transferred to the newly created Bethnal Green Old People's Trust Fund. This body's primary function was to distribute funds to needy old people in Bethnal Green, either directly or through other agencies.