
Reference NumberP/EAD
Alternative Reference NumberP/MIS/359
TitlePapers of John Eade
DescriptionPrinted material concerning Tower Hamlets Training Forum, Federation of Bangladeshi Youth Organisations including Jubobarta, Bangladesh restaurant industry, news and activities around Spitalfields area and amongst the Bangladeshi Community.

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Extent10 files
AdminHistoryJohn Eade collected papers during his PhD research between 1980 and 1986 and at later dates. These items were freely available at the time due to inner city funding which was available for community projects. He often assigned codes to items by giving them a subject and a number. Therefore some have original numbers for example: 'Com 19' for Community 19
CustodialHistoryThese records were collected as part of a Bengali Collections Development project by Shahera Begum, Heritage Trainee during 2011. She also interviewed individuals and created oral histories, see collection ref: O/BEE and brochure 'The Bengali East End: Histories of Life and Work in Tower Hamlets'. Visit

This material significantly broadened the range of collections from and about the Bengali community in Tower Hamlets. If you would like to add further material to our collections please contact us.
RelatedMaterialExplore the following individual collections listed below which are held at Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives. They have been received as part of an ongoing Bengali Collections Development project since 2011. The list provides the collection reference number and collection name.

B/LEA Tom Learmonth Photography
B/SEH Shepheard Epstein and Hunter, architects

Institutional organisations:
I/BRA Banglatown Restaurants Associations
I/EME Ethnic Minority Enterprise
I/KNC Kobi Nazrul Centre
I/TTF Tower Hamlets Training Forum and Bengali Mahila Samity

Local authority:
L/THL/G/2/2 London Borough of Tower Hamlets: council papers on Altab Ali Park

Oral histories:
O/BEE Bengali East End oral histories

Papers of individuals:
P/EAD John Eade
P/EVE John Eversley
P/GOS Bidhan Goswami (including P/GOS/1/1 Bangladesh Welfare Association and P/GOS/2 Brick Lane Mosque publications)
P/MIN Kendrio Shaheed Minar
P/RAU Mahmoud A Rauf
P/SIE Alice Sielle
P/UDD Mrs Uddin
P/ULH Rafique Ullah
P/ULL Ansar Ahmed Ullah

S/BYL Bangladesh Youth League
Access StatusOpen
RequestNO - This does not represent a physical document. Please click on the reference number and view list of records to find material available to order at file or item level.


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